Organizing Dialogue, Experience and Knowledge for Complex Problem-Solving

Seeds: The Gardener’s “Hour of Power”

May 22nd, 2019

Beans have crazy names: Hog Brain Cowpeas are supposed to be quite tasty.

It was the end of the day in the gloaming, afternoon fading into the earliest stage of evening. Steph was reluctant.

There was, however, no point in arguing against Soirée-Leone’s enthusiasm:  learning how to garden for food was the whole, entire point!

Tromping out to the newly-cleared and fenced-in garden, Soirée-Leone explained the purpose of the hour of power. Steph adjusted her attitude.

The instructions were straightforward. Scrape out a narrow trough about an inch deep, distribute one packet of seeds evenly between fence posts, cover the seeds. Move to the next section of fencing, repeat with a new pack. A dozen different kinds of beans. Who knows which ones will take in this particular soil and these specific conditions?

Don’t aim for some ideal or sense of perfection; just get it done. If conditions are correct, the seeds will take. This is one way to learn about your soil’s unique characteristics. Especially at the beginning. Experimentation is necessary. And a certain mix of faith and fatalism. The fatalism is that some things aren’t gonna make it. The faith is that other things are.

The types of bean seeds varied in size, shape and color.  Steph’s curiosity was piqued.

Which ones will grow?



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Categories: Call this ACTION LEARNING!, Learning Resiliency, Reflexivity

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