Organizing Dialogue, Experience and Knowledge for Complex Problem-Solving

online conference

March 15th, 2005

Supporting Deaf People Online has been pretty much taking up my entire life the last three days, but it’s pretty cool. Anne and I have a lot of fascinating discourse to think about.
One downside is fewer deaf participants than I remember from last year. 🙁 Really thought there would be more.
BUT – the collegial environment and quality of discussion has been, I think, phenomenal. I’m really pleased we were able to present, and quite satisfied with the result. I think I even made some new friends! Always a happy thing. 🙂


Categories: Deaf stuff, Interpreting
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2 Responses to “online conference”

  1. RamKa says:

    soooo qu

  2. steph says:

    RamKa, you are so correct! New developments change my plans everyday and so far every single one is good 🙂

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