
Tidepool is an open source Twitter visualization tool. Basically, in this, its nascent version, it follows a certain #hashtag in real time and renders visually the frequency of words used in tweets featuring that hashtag.

Tidepool was created by Don Blair using the Processing.js JQuery library and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This means you’re welcome to download the code for yourself and play around with it, though we’d prefer you keep the attribution to the creator and continue sharing your code with others. To do so, visit any one of the Tidepool instances below and use your browser to save the webpage to your own computer, or use the Tidepool code repository at Github. Mess around with it, bang your head against it, make it better, copy it and its supporting files to a server of your choice and run with it.

Tidepool instances: (in order of newness)

*Note: Because of the requirements of Processing.js, Tidepool requires a modern, HTML5 standards-compliant browser such as Firefox.

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