We’re fresh off the first of a two-part training on Responsible Whiteness. The goal of “Responsible Whiteness” is to enlarge your perspective on whatever racial dynamics you’re involved in or worried about so that you can access and practice new ways of moving so that the same old problems don’t just keep happening. The way to … Continue reading “Whiteness and White Fragility: Can We Be Real?”
Read MoreRID Denies Members Opportunity to Vote on Motion
by Steph • July 6th, 2019
If you have an immediate negative reaction to the idea of unionizing sign language interpreters, then I would like to ask you—politely, please—to pause for a moment and recognize bias. https://vimeo.com/346498324 Most of us have no idea what it could mean to become a Union. In fact, I am still learning. I’m eager to find … Continue reading “RID Denies Members Opportunity to Vote on Motion”
Read MoreSeeds: The Gardener’s “Hour of Power”
by Steph • May 22nd, 2019
It was the end of the day in the gloaming, afternoon fading into the earliest stage of evening. Steph was reluctant. There was, however, no point in arguing against Soirée-Leone’s enthusiasm: learning how to garden for food was the whole, entire point! Tromping out to the newly-cleared and fenced-in garden, Soirée-Leone explained the purpose of the hour … Continue reading “Seeds: The Gardener’s “Hour of Power””
Read More“Do What’s Right for All of Us”
by Steph • April 23rd, 2019
gardening to grow food….understand the food economy where you live, because then you can identify what staples to produce for yourself and strategize whether and how to fill a specific niche for your community.
Read MoreImmediacy, Heteroglossia and Calibration
by Steph • August 8th, 2015
Immediacy Almost a month ago I received an email inviting me to join a Google+ group. I was happy to do so, thinking it was a personal invitation rather than one generated by an essentially anonymous algorithm. Arriving to the group (I went to check it out right away), the post that greeted me also […]
Read MoreImitation: Not only a game
by Steph • January 4th, 2015
The race of Ultra vs Enigma in The Imitation Game prefigures Edward Snowden, #Anonymous, and the Lizard Squad.
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