Young leaders envision saving a mid-sized American city.
At the end of July 2011, twenty-nine high school students from Springfield MA gathered on the campus of UMass Amherst for a three-day “Taste of College” youth leadership retreat.
Sponsored by the Mass Alliance on Teen Pregnancy, New North Citizen’s Council, and UMass’ Center on Communication for Sustainable Social Change (CSSC), with donations from Big Y (Amherst), Whole Foods (Amherst), the North End Campus Coalition, and Amherst Community Television (ACTV).
Young leaders envision saving a mid-sized American city.
At the end of July 2011, twenty-nine high school students from Springfield MA gathered on the campus of UMass Amherst for a three-day “Taste of College” youth leadership retreat.
Sponsored by the Mass Alliance on Teen Pregnancy, New North Citizen’s Council, and UMass’ Center on Communication for Sustainable Social Change (CSSC), with donations from Big Y (Amherst), Whole Foods (Amherst), the North End Campus Coalition, and Amherst Community Television (ACTV).
Four students discuss editing and scope decisions for final video projects that will show they have learned about the relationship between media and culture using theories from the discipline of Communication.
Watch the final videos: now named “What makes us normal” and “Do we have to be this way?”
behindtheyello5 summarizes the question explored by young people struggling to manage the glut of communication technology shaping the culture of their generation.
When does collective learning become collective intelligence?
This video is the result of undergraduate students living the question during a Communication course on Media and Culture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Building from individual videos for the Visions of Students Today project by Michael Wesch, this video includes excerpts of TED Talk lectures, contemporary musicians, dancers and other intellectual artists depicting some of the social realities of media and culture relevant in 2011.
Watch the companion video, Controlled Drowning/Re-Solving Survival, aka “Do we have to be this way? (channeling passion)”
Recall Morpheus asking Neo, “What is the question?”
Translate from feature fiction film to real life.
Start with language.
Do you (we) really “have to be this way”?
What question stimulates that answer? What if we change the question?
This video explores the quest for survival by a generation overwhelmed by the glut of social media. What choices do they really have? What choices do you have? How — and who — will find the answer?
When does collective learning become collective intelligence?
This video is the result of undergraduate students living the question during a Communication course on Media and Culture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Building from individual videos for the Visions of Students Today project by Michael Wesch, this video includes excerpts of TED Talk lectures, contemporary musicians, dancers and other intellectual artists depicting some of the social realities of media and culture relevant in 2011.
Watch the companion video, Re-Solving Survival (Controlled Drowning?), aka, “What makes us normal?”