Many interpreters are familiar with the idea of intercultural or intergroup communication, which takes the identity of participants as important to meaning. . This workshop extends the idea of “identity” to the different roles individuals have in any communication situation. We’ll explore the case of emergency management interpreting, where First Responders have very clear priorities that may not coincide with what Deaf and hard-of-hearing people believe they need. Likewise, Deaf and hard-of-hearing people have express communication needs that may not coincide with what First Responders believe they can accommodate.
Read Moreby Steph • February 14th, 2012
One of the miracles of Europe is the amazing way communication is made possible among users of different languages in the European Parliament. While I do critique some of the outcomes of the transmission model of interpreting, particularly how the success of simultaneous interpretation generates the illusion of speaking in one shared language (which means erasing the differences of separate and unique languages and the worldviews they inspire), the fact that the system works is testimony to what humans can achieve with intercultural cooperation.
Read Moreby Steph • November 9th, 2011
“In all of the years of researching and taking courses / training in crisis communications – one group has not been mentioned as much as others. This audience group is the deaf community. How do we go about in making sure that this audience group gets the same information about an […]
Read Moreby Steph • July 7th, 2011
We are not compelled to continue all of the ritualized elements of simultaneous interpretation that we have inherited or even helped to build. We can learn from the trajectory of the last 70 years and make precise modifications in training, education, credentialing, and professional practice. These changes can be calibrated in order to reshape this special form of intercultural communication so that it serves the common good. By using simultaneous interpretation as an institutional mechanism for deliberately redressing systematic inequality, more safe and humane life chances can be generated for people of all classes and ways of life.
Read Moreby Steph • June 18th, 2011
One hundred and eighty language service providers have gathered at the 2nd North American Summit on Interpreting for the purpose of learning how to gather our collective intelligence and generate an intercultural revolution.
Read Moreby mjd • June 6th, 2011
Quality Interpreting in a Push-Button World
2nd North American Summit on Interpreting
Washington DC June 17-18, 2011
I will be presenting a poster, Interpreters and the Mechanical Reproduction of Inequality, summarizing some key findings from my Fulbright-sponsored dissertation research about the system of simultaneous interpretation at the European Parliament.
2nd Annual Science of Team Science Conference
Clinical and Translational Sciences Unit, Northwestern University
Chicago, April 4-11, 2011
Resilience, Innovation, and Sustainability: Navigating the Complexities of Global Change
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ, March 11-16, 2011
Slideshows and other materials from the conference are available here.
Read Moreby mjd • June 6th, 2011
RID: Growing Globally
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Biennial National Conference
especially the Business Meeting, Atlanta GA July 17-22, 2011
Previous blog entries about interpreting are posted in chronological order under Series: Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf.